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About The Leucaena Network

The Leucaena Network was formed in July 2000 by a group of producers and industry representatives who wished to progress the leucaena industry and address environmental concerns. The organization’s aim is to “promote the responsible development of leucaena in productive and sustainable ecosystems to build stronger rural communities”. In September of that year, the Network developed The Leucaena Code of Practice to promote responsible management of the legume in response to the environmental concerns .

Today, The Leucaena Network is a leading producer group in the grass-fed beef industry.  Members include livestock producers, leucaena and pasture seed growers, industry representatives, researchers and extension personnel. The Network remains true to its message, continuing to focus on the responsible management of the legume while working to promote the industry and provide current and relevant information and research to its members. 

The Network encourages membership to foster ongoing activities and research to assist the industry to prosper.  The Network addresses the ongoing high demand for the provision of qualified information and strategies for successful leucaena establishment for new producers and strives  to provide established producers with research and extension information. A linchpin of The Leucaena Network’s information provision is its website,



 Current information on Network activities and member information may also be accessed through the Network’s Facebook site.



The Network's Executive Officer may be contacted on 0488931691 or

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